Aeron | 1981 | grey | stallion | Ninia |
Alexandria 1978 | 1978 | n/a | mare | Amara |
Amper | n/a | n/a | stallion | Pustishka |
Anadir | 1981 | chestnut | mare | Nadpis |
Angel | 1972 | chestnut | stallion | Nalpa |
Anilin | 1981 | chestnut | stallion | Nemezida |
Annona | 1974 | grey | mare | Nagrada 1960 |
Antey | 1972 | bay | stallion | Nemezida |
Antiquary | 1981 | grey | stallion | Nesravnennaja |
Apelsin | 1981 | chestnut | stallion | Prekrasnaja |
Apollo Deux | 1979 | chestnut | stallion | Cometa |
Apolon | 1978 | grey | stallion | Polin |
Apothema | 1981 | chestnut | mare | Poznan |
Arabeska | 1974 | grey | mare | Klipsa |
Arenda | 1981 | chestnut | mare | Nepokornaia |
Arginn | 1981 | chestnut | stallion | Nerissa |
Armenia 1981 | 1981 | chestnut | mare | Malutka |
Ars | n/a | n/a | stallion | Sopka |
Artist | 1981 | dark-chestnut | stallion | Stihia |
Asnota | 1977 | grey | mare | Nota 1973 |
Aspirin | 1981 | chestnut | stallion | Pustinia |
Assisa | 1981 | grey | mare | Sessija |
Astoria 1973 | 1973 | grey | mare | Passia |
Babetta 1982 | 1982 | grey | mare | Pliaska |
Baidarka | 1982 | grey | mare | Kamchatka |
Bakaleia | 1982 | chestnut | mare | Karabela |
Bal | 1982 | grey | stallion | Pikula |
Baltic | 1982 | grey | stallion | Poznan |
Balzam 1976 | 1976 | bay | stallion | Baheega |
Biriusa | 1982 | grey | mare | Pernataia |
Biznes | 1982 | grey | stallion | Kalina 1976 |
Bystrica | 1982 | grey | mare | Stihia |
Cadanza | 1974 | chestnut | mare | Saikha |
Caravella | 1975 | grey | mare | Klipsa |
Class | 1978 | grey | stallion | Kasseta |
Cobalt | 1977 | chestnut | gelding | Karmen 1956 |
Danaya | 1985 | grey | mare | Pandora 1973 |
Darii | 1985 | chestnut | stallion | Kasseta |
Darlei | 1985 | dark-chestnut | stallion | Naturshitsa |
Derjava | 1985 | bay | mare | Polinezia |
Desant | 1985 | grey | stallion | Natuma |
Desiatka | 1985 | chestnut | mare | Carolina 1970 |
Diana 1985 | 1985 | chestnut | mare | Palmira |
Dilemma | 1985 | grey | mare | Matritsa |
Dolka | 1985 | chestnut | mare | Kalina 1976 |
Dominika | 1985 | grey | mare | Malutka |
Dublin 1985 | 1985 | grey | stallion | Nadpis |
Dunaj | 1985 | chestnut | stallion | Monika 1976 |
Fa Aswann | 1981 | grey | stallion | Pogonia |
Galaktika | 1984 | chestnut | mare | Kamchatka |
Galop | 1984 | grey | stallion | Pikula |
Ingen | n/a | n/a | mare | n/a |
Kadis | 1970 | chestnut | stallion | Kiprida |
Kalitva | 1976 | grey | mare | Carolina 1970 |
Kaluga | 1975 | chestnut | mare | Kasatka |
Kama 1972 | 1972 | chestnut | mare | Kiprida |
Kamish | 1976 | chestnut | stallion | Kiprida |
Kapelka | 1966 | chestnut | mare | Kapel |
Kapriza | 1971 | grey | mare | Klipsa |
Kapron | 1977 | chestnut | stallion | Carolina 1970 |
Kar Putina | 1970 | chestnut | mare | Palba |
Kara | 1978 | chestnut | mare | Carolina 1970 |
Kariatida | 1980 | flea-bitten grey | mare | Karta |
Karinka | 1974 | grey | mare | Karta |
Kartinka | 1979 | grey | mare | Karta |
Kastanieta 1971 | 1971 | grey | mare | Karta |
Katun | 1968 | grey | mare | Kapella |
Kazan | 1980 | grey | mare | Klipsa |
Kazarka | 1975 | chestnut | mare | Kapella |
Kazbek | 1975 | chestnut | stallion | Kiprida |
Kiev | 1981 | grey | stallion | Kiprida |
Kilimandscharo | 1968 | grey | stallion | Karta |
Kimval | 1979 | grey | stallion | Kiprida |
Kintal | 1979 | grey | stallion | Klipsa |
Klad | 1980 | chestnut | stallion | Kamchatka |
Klarnet 1975 | 1975 | flea-bitten grey | stallion | Karta |
Kniajna | 1974 | grey | mare | Kiprida |
Kolyna | 1979 | grey | mare | Poliana |
Korona | n/a | n/a | mare | Kroschka |
Koster | 1976 | grey | stallion | Kristalnaia |
Krakov | 1980 | chestnut | stallion | Kiprida |
Krasa | 1969 | grey | mare | Klipsa |
Krasavitsa | 1971 | chestnut | mare | Kiprida |
Kromka | 1978 | bay | mare | Karta |
Kunak | 1979 | grey | stallion | Kasseta |
Kura | 1979 | grey | mare | Kamchatka |
Kuraga | 1978 | grey | mare | Kiprida |
Kvarts | 1979 | grey | stallion | Carolina 1970 |
Kye | 1978 | chestnut | stallion | Kamchatka |
Madonna Of Tersk | 1974 | grey | mare | Malutka |
Madrid 1978 | 1978 | grey | stallion | Madia |
Mag | 1977 | grey | stallion | Magnolia 1960 |
Magia | 1974 | grey | mare | Madia |
Magistral | 1971 | chestnut | mare | Metropolia |
Magnat | 1966 | grey | stallion | Monopolia |
Magnezia | 1977 | grey | mare | Miest |
Magnificent | 1979 | bay | stallion | Magnolia 1960 |
Magnit | 1969 | black | stallion | Magnolia 1960 |
Makat | 1976 | grey | stallion | Madia |
Makovka | 1975 | chestnut | mare | Monogramma |
Malaga 1973 | 1973 | chestnut | mare | Magnolia 1960 |
Malinka | 1973 | grey | mare | Malutka |
Malish | 1969 | bay | stallion | Monopolia |
Malta 1968 | 1968 | chestnut | mare | Metropolia |
Mamluk | 1970 | grey | stallion | Monogramma |
Mandat | 1976 | grey | stallion | Miest |
Mantia 1966 | 1966 | n/a | mare | Magnolia 1960 |
Margaritka | 1970 | bay | mare | Monopolia |
Markiza | 1980 | chestnut | mare | Molva 1971 |
Marsh | 1968 | chestnut | stallion | Madera |
Marsianin | 1971 | grey | stallion | Magnolia 1960 |
Marsianka | 1973 | grey | mare | Monopolia |
Mart | 1979 | grey | stallion | Malwa 1965 |
Martinika | 1979 | grey | mare | Monogramma |
Mascat | 1975 | grey | stallion | Malutka |
Mashuk | 1977 | grey | stallion | Malutka |
Mastika | 1974 | chestnut | mare | Monopolia |
May 1978 | 1978 | grey | stallion | Miest |
Mazurka 1978 | 1978 | grey | mare | Malutka |
Medea 1968 | 1968 | grey | mare | Monopolia |
Metelica 1971 | 1971 | chestnut | mare | Madera |
Mexica 1972 | 1972 | grey | mare | Magnolia 1960 |
Mig | 1967 | chestnut | stallion | Magnolia 1960 |
Milan | 1975 | chestnut | stallion | Mirta |
Mir | 1972 | chestnut | stallion | Metropolia |
Molva 1971 | 1971 | bay | mare | Monopolia |
Moskvichka | 1977 | grey | mare | Madia |
Mushmula | 1970 | grey | mare | Madera 1962 |
Muzza | 1976 | chestnut | mare | Magnolia 1960 |
Naadirah 1966 | 1966 | grey | mare | Napraslina |
Nadira | 1976 | grey | mare | Napersnitsa |
Nagara | 1979 | grey | mare | Naska |
Naida 1968 | 1968 | grey | mare | Nochka |
Naim 1977 | 1977 | grey | stallion | Nesravnennaja |
Nairobi 1981 | 1981 | grey | mare | Naina 1961 |
Najada 1966 | 1966 | grey | mare | Naturshitsa |
Nakol | 1980 | bay | stallion | Nemezida |
Nalchik | 1976 | grey | stallion | Naina 1961 |
Namakan | 1978 | grey | stallion | Nepokornaia |
Namaz | 1973 | chestnut | stallion | Nepreklonnaja |
Nani | 1979 | chestnut | mare | Nemezida |
Nankin | 1979 | grey | stallion | Naina 1961 |
Napev | 1969 | grey | stallion | Napersnitsa |
Nara 1971 | 1971 | chestnut | mare | Nagrada 1960 |
Narada 1975 | 1975 | grey | mare | Neposeda 1955 |
Narav Ibn Aswan | 1978 | grey | stallion | Naina 1961 |
Nariadnaia | 1969 | grey | mare | Neposeda 1955 |
Naslednitsa | 1980 | grey | mare | Nepokornaia |
Nastoy | 1978 | grey | stallion | Nesmishlenaia |
Nasturcia | 1970 | grey | mare | Napersnitsa |
Naur | 1969 | chestnut | stallion | Nerpa IV |
Navaja | 1977 | grey | mare | Nemezida |
Navar | 1978 | grey | stallion | Novinka |
Navarra | 1980 | grey | mare | Nesravnennaja |
Navoy | 1979 | chestnut | stallion | Nalpa |
Nazim 1976 | 1976 | grey | stallion | Nalpa |
Neapol | 1972 | grey | stallion | Nalpa |
Nearh | 1978 | grey | stallion | Nalpa |
Nedjed | 1966 | grey | stallion | Nerpa IV |
Nega 1968 | 1968 | chestnut | mare | Neposeda 1955 |
Negaa | 1979 | grey | mare | Nebesnaia |
Nehvatka | 1979 | chestnut | mare | Nepokornaia |
Neptun 1967 | 1967 | grey | stallion | Naparnitsa I |
Nerka | 1979 | chestnut | mare | Nesmishlenaia |
Nessa 1979 | 1979 | grey | mare | Nesravnennaja |
Nevada 1970 | 1970 | chestnut | mare | Naina 1961 |
Nevesta | 1975 | grey | mare | Nagrada 1960 |
Nevolnitza | 1968 | chestnut | mare | Napersnitsa |
Ni Ni | 1968 | grey | mare | Nerpa IV |
Niepogoda | 1971 | grey | mare | Novinka |
Nigira | 1978 | grey | mare | Nasturcia |
Nika 1968 | 1968 | grey | mare | Norka |
Ninaska | 1981 | grey | mare | Nianga |
Nioba | 1979 | grey | mare | Naturshitsa |
Nissa | 1975 | chestnut | mare | Napersnitsa |
Nit | 1968 | grey | mare | Nitochka 1948 |
Nitra | 1976 | bay | mare | Nagrada 1960 |
Niva 1971 | 1971 | grey | mare | Napersnitsa |
Nivushka | 1977 | grey | mare | Nalpa |
Njuans | 1971 | grey | stallion | Neposeda 1955 |
Noktuern | 1972 | grey | stallion | Nepreklonnaja |
Normandia | 1977 | grey | mare | Naina 1961 |
Novaya | 1980 | grey | mare | Nadpis |
Novina | 1976 | dark-chestnut | mare | Nemezida |
Novostj | 1968 | bay | mare | Novinka |
Nrav | 1980 | grey | stallion | Elmira |
Numizmat | 1974 | dark-chestnut | stallion | Nemezida |
Olimp | 1967 | grey | stallion | Otrada |
Paket 1971 | 1971 | grey | stallion | Perikola 1962 |
Paks 7 | 1977 | grey | stallion | Pandora 1973 |
Palas | 1968 | grey | stallion | Panel |
Palma 1971 | 1971 | chestnut | mare | Pokaznaja |
Palomna | 1980 | grey | mare | Poznan |
Paluba | 1973 | grey | mare | Pustinia |
Pamiat | 1970 | grey | mare | Paklia |
Pamir 1969 | 1969 | grey | stallion | Pchelka |
Panagia | 1971 | flea-bitten grey | mare | Pustinia |
Pancir | 1974 | chestnut | stallion | Prikhot |
Pandora 1968 | 1968 | grey | mare | Peschinka |
Panorama 1966 | 1966 | grey | mare | Platina |
Pantera 1966 | 1966 | bay | mare | Ptashka |
Papirus | 1970 | grey | stallion | Pamiatka |
Par 1978 | 1978 | grey | stallion | Pandora 1973 |
Parana 1973 | 1973 | grey | mare | Polnoch |
Parapet | 1977 | grey | stallion | Prikhot |
Parcha | 1968 | chestnut | mare | Pavlina |
Parijanka | 1978 | grey | mare | Prekrasnaja |
Parik | 1977 | chestnut | stallion | Palmira |
Parizanka | 1978 | n/a | mare | Prekrasnaja |
Parketnaia | 1971 | bay | mare | Ptashka |
Parma 1966 | 1966 | grey | mare | Pokaznaja |
Parol | 1968 | grey | stallion | Paklia |
Parta | 1976 | grey | mare | Prikhot |
Pasians | 1969 | chestnut | stallion | Pokaznaja |
Passat | 1974 | chestnut | stallion | Pika 1962 |
Paswan | 1980 | bay | gelding | Pamiatka |
Patriotka | 1972 | grey | mare | Pika 1962 |
Patron 1966 | 1966 | chestnut | stallion | Podruga |
Pauza | 1971 | grey | mare | Panel |
Pava | 1968 | bay | mare | Prisma 1963 |
Pechora | 1976 | grey | mare | Prekrasnaja |
Pegas | 1967 | bay | stallion | Platina |
Pena | 1973 | grey | mare | Prikhot |
Pesnia | 1969 | chestnut | mare | Ptashka |
Piala | 1978 | grey | mare | Pustinia |
Pianist | 1979 | grey | stallion | Pandora 1973 |
Pianola | 1970 | grey | mare | Peschinka |
Piastr | 1978 | grey | stallion | Persida |
Pijma | 1975 | grey | mare | Prekrasnaja |
Pikantnaja | 1977 | grey | mare | Pika 1962 |
Piket | 1968 | chestnut | stallion | Polnoch |
Piksha | 1980 | grey | mare | Pikula |
Pikus | 1966 | n/a | stallion | Pika 1962 |
Pirit | 1968 | bay | stallion | Pika 1962 |
Piroga | 1979 | grey | mare | Prikhot |
Plakat | 1970 | grey | stallion | Pchelka |
Planeta 1966 | 1966 | bay | mare | Pamiatka |
Planetka | 1967 | chestnut | mare | Progressia |
Plastun | 1971 | chestnut | stallion | Pika |
Platan | 1971 | bay | stallion | Ptichka |
Plazma | 1978 | grey | mare | Polnoch |
Plennitsa | 1968 | flea-bitten grey | mare | Perikola 1962 |
Pliska | 1973 | grey | mare | Palba |
Podarok | 1972 | n/a | stallion | Panel |
Pohvala | 1975 | chestnut | mare | Pustinia |
Polka 1975 | 1975 | chestnut | mare | Prikhot |
Poltava | 1979 | grey | mare | Pallada |
Poputschiza | 1976 | chestnut | mare | Pustinia |
Poza | 1979 | chestnut | mare | Poznan |
Pra | 1978 | chestnut | mare | Pamiatka |
Pravnuk | 1980 | grey | stallion | Pandora 1973 |
Prichal | 1973 | grey | stallion | Palmira |
Prichina | 1976 | chestnut | mare | Palmira |
Pridacha | 1980 | grey | mare | Prikhot |
Princessa | 1973 | grey | mare | Passia |
Priska 1980 | 1980 | chestnut | mare | Pripiat |
Pristan | 1972 | grey | mare | Palmira |
Pritcha | 1979 | grey | mare | Prekrasnaja |
Procent | 1970 | chestnut | stallion | Panel |
Puant | 1979 | grey | stallion | Polnoch |
Pudra | 1977 | flea-bitten grey | mare | Pustinia |
Pula | 1980 | grey | mare | Pustinia |
Puma | 1969 | grey | mare | Polnoch |
Puschinka | 1967 | grey | mare | Pavlina |
Pustishka | 1973 | grey | mare | Pustinia |
Pustota | 1973 | grey | mare | Pustinia |
Saga 1969 | 1969 | chestnut | mare | Spies |
Sahalin | 1978 | chestnut | stallion | Soika |
Salsk | 1978 | grey | stallion | Sapina |
Samotsvet | 1971 | chestnut | stallion | Sosna |
Sardar | 1973 | grey | stallion | Skazka |
Sarja | 1978 | n/a | mare | Skorost |
Sena | 1976 | grey | mare | Simpatika |
Silva 1966 | 1966 | grey | mare | Sepia |
Sleza | 1978 | grey | mare | Stihia |
Snejana | 1973 | chestnut | mare | Sopka |
Sparta | 1971 | grey | mare | Sopka |
Start II | 1972 | grey | stallion | Sopka |
Sukhona | 1969 | chestnut | mare | Sosna |
Taiga 1973 | 1973 | grey | mare | Teplitsa |
Talantlivaia | 1972 | chestnut | mare | Teplitsa |
Tanana | 1976 | grey | mare | Tema 1968 |
Tanger | 1973 | grey | stallion | Tema 1968 |
Tarzan 1975 | 1975 | grey | stallion | Tema 1968 |
Tirana | 1977 | chestnut | mare | Toska 1969 |
Tiwiriada | 1966 | grey | mare | Trapecia |
Tuva | 1976 | grey | mare | Toska 1969 |
Ukhta | 1976 | grey | mare | Warda 1970 |
Valdai | 1983 | grey | stallion | Pikula |
Varna | 1983 | chestnut | mare | Nadpis |
Velikan | 1983 | grey | stallion | Kamchatka |
Vena | 1983 | grey | mare | Monika 1976 |
Veresk | 1983 | chestnut | stallion | Kosmetika |
Vesna | 1983 | grey | mare | Stihia |
Viktorina | 1983 | chestnut | mare | Carolina 1970 |
Viuga | 1983 | chestnut | mare | Nastavnitsa |
Viza | 1983 | grey | mare | Palmira |
Vlaga | 1983 | chestnut | mare | Pastoral |
Vnuchka | 1983 | chestnut | mare | Nesravnennaja |
Voljanka | 1983 | chestnut | mare | Tantra |
Volopas | 1983 | chestnut | stallion | Pomarka |
Vyskochka | 1983 | chestnut | mare | Kasseta |
(total number of result: 302)