Naravinathis horse was bred in Germany


photo: Aline Sagrabelny

Naravina is sired by Multi-Champion Stallion Narav Ibn Aswan, born as Nrav at the Tersk State Stud, Russia in 1978. He was imported to Germany in 1981 (leased to Sweden and to the UK for several years).
Naravina's dam Nadeschda directly traces back to the chestnut Nevada (granddaughter of Mammona). Nevada was foundation mare at the stud of Garde-Ehlert family.
Nevada and Naravina's sire Narav Ibn Aswan are full-siblings (Aswan x Naina). Thus, Naravina's dam- and sireline is very close related.
The cluster of Aswan blood results in her very exotic and refined type.
Owned by Bouche Arabians, Germany she was presented at the halter show in Frankfurt 2012 where she got Bronze Senior Female Champion.


flea-bitten grey mare
foaled: 1999-05-14 died: n/a
sire: NARAV IBN ASWAN sireline: Saklawi I (via Aswan)
dam: NADESCHDA damline: Sahara db (branch: Mammona)
strain: Koheylah Moradiyah
additional information: Bronze Senior Champion Mare Arabica Frankfurt 2012
Silvia Garde-Ehlert
Gestüt Gut Alemich

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